Animation: Powtoon

Hello, welcome to The art of teaching. Today I'm going to talk about the Powtoon app and how we can benefit from it. Have a nice reading.

What is Powtoon?

Powtoon is a platform that associates people to create incredible animation videos. In this application, you can manipulate pre-created objects such as images, movements, music, voiceovers, etc. It can be used in education as it assists the teachers to make the class engaged, motivated, and excited for the students.  

How to use it?

Firstly visit the Powtoon website and create an account. 

Click the + button to start a new Powtoon or you can use the "templates" button.

When you log in, you can find different options pre-created elements, you can choose any of them.

 If you don't see any of them fits what you need, you can click the menu above start a blank Powtoon.

You will find many different looks to choose from.

When you start designing your video, you can edit and add your scene, write your text in the way you prefer, and choose different video sizes.

Here is my video, I hope you like it
