
Do you want your students to brainstorm on a topic? Would you like to play games with your students to know each other closely? Do you want your students answer some exit ticket questions like “Write three things you‘ve learned from today’s lesson?”, or “Do you have any questions?”

What is PADLET?

Padlet is a collaboration tool. It is designed to help teachers cooperate with their students. It is an application where the teachers and students can reflect, share information, make learning more fun, and make activities. It permits users to make a hidden wall with a custom URL. Padlet users can also moderate posts, delete posts, and manage their board whenever they want.

How to use it?

Padlet has different options. It has one for school, one for business, and personal. Choose whatever you want. Padlet is free you just need to log in with facebook or google account and create a new Padlet account, so teachers can make your padlet posts and create activities that would make students more interested in the class.

If you have any question related to Padlet, go to  or watch this video 
