Communication: one of 21st century skills

Communication skills are the talents that we use when giving and receiving various sorts of information. Communication is the way we talk to others, which allows us to understand and be understood.



Effective communication skills are crucial for students to success in various aspects of life. A classroom atmosphere is highly dependent on the quality of communication happening in it. Communication skills are essential for students to become professionals in a specific platform and to become the best professionals in their fields. Students who have improved their communication skills are more likely to contribute to classroom discussions, will eventually gain more from each other experience in class, and will be more effective members in the class.

How to Improve Communication Abilities in Students

  • Teachers can help the learners in developing their oral skills by using technology. There is a variety of technological resources where teachers can use such as Cambly. Cambly is an app where we can practice speaking with any teacher we prefer. Besides, Voicethread is a very useful app for students for practicing doing presentations.
  • To improve communication skills we need to practice listening as well as teachers can make their tutees read a text aloud which would help them talk about this text, discuss, and reflect. 
